
Sharif CTF 8 - ElGamat WriteUp

Challenge details

Sharif CTF 8ElGamatCrypto200


ElGamal over Matrices: algebra-focused crypto challenge

you can find full description in ElGamat.pdf




This problem appears to be similar to the discrete logarithm problem (see Discrete logarithm), but instead of the generator g we a have a matrix \(G\), So we need to find \(x\) such that \(G^x = H\) (both \(G\) and \(H\) are \(5\times5\) Matrices).

Matrices => Linear Algebra: this challenge requires some fundamentals in linear algebra.

At the beginning I tried to diagonalize the matrix \(G\) and \(H\) in order to transform the problem to a discrete logarithm problem, but it will stay hard to solve since \(p-1\) is not a product of small primes which in this case Pohlig–Hellman algorithm is not an efficient method for computing the discrete logarithms.

After doing some googling I figure out that in order to make this problem easy to solve we need to put both Matrices \(G\) and \(H\) in Jordan normal form (see Jordan normal form)

A Jordan matrix has each non-zero off-diagonal entry equal to \(1\), immediately above the main diagonal.

for A a Jordan block as \(2\times2\) matrix, if we have a repeated eigenvalues:

$$ A = \begin{pmatrix} \lambda & 1 \\ 0 & \lambda \end{pmatrix} $$ for \(B = A^x\): $$ B = \begin{pmatrix} \lambda^x & x\lambda^{x-1} \\ 0 & \lambda^x \end{pmatrix} $$

$$x = {-b \pm \sqrt{b^2-4ac} \over 2a}.$$

therefore in this case: $$ B_{12} = xB_{11}A_{11}^{-1} \iff x = A_{11}B_{12}B_{11}^{-1} $$

Now we need to apply this solution to ElGamat problem

In our case \(G[3][3]\) to \(G[4][4]\) is a Jordan block with repeated eigenvalues, and all arithmetic operations are in Quotient Ring \(Z/Z_p\)

this is my code in sage (ElGamat.sage):

import hashlib

p = 1461501637330902918203684832716283019655932542983

G = [
     [1287397632974625907369332145667695136576732725719,  999149001044306271168727399637009399486427921379,   1046504160269652701583906344218556291030141088947,  724446625683754938181565321149725788430461092168,    1071845980147173642753960259602135592110139561915],
     [947603660931904341080240982051313712707367037453,   312289846563741934103580532543082761760226637905,   494739786803547247505263837170488583876166831850,   680540462980071181450018491798299105995449257198,    2602258415762368797405060707505977243346704576],
     [996213673531855992829525358578006610606634622631,   1025711294257038288640877971869685565227647136954,  1432432135773706484846126533752827108541355741973,  1238541870126055576875033883691918425137600727481,   1130938956963588695293783764965618873887596017827],
     [1320933266015680090206505704792362493057963931979,  1151746112645644166669332171392580649376526147475,  117512451110908867093773368598681106589771485221,   78071463743800894350883457304401524272336187149,     350437511649326676405126284689545814008237687775],
     [438339253001275654203062260777687750937184662400,   372483950165136927369598298270629892810999203086,   859008773869616460027135965589262417694174453098,   1174526536643808668299968641952541506024584582818,   13201859260259503932772826643483081858286638179]

H = [
     [903022231855038558383593109888227525558007552960,   565977275270298825053282757799743346899236483368,   989303675765663596792169321947495382568831693037,   601579288654704389384765634776493921679315260303,    913791750749394879333717884106841876340654737006],
     [1159121456278955861257379214176694847802842944213,  55304385436577133507085707981392660143782780650,    559867756424853909301288957105188829240808301823,   1230859641388132364539374469026906952870988170695,   1423995124592695628047882256427827379994877406997],
     [1125565199147204322161069021173152827232960621114,  1373772036013472137002755957284397215018630262515,  640623873603434273377865546046279663852895430999,   1056809237992218798189986002766547616222871640976,   1426649441470162608512662468308504390861950649943],
     [303729376872199895471546635639837180361513146712,   1163767872227950278851006729914569662442255257700,  1320342731346163804219021270875175061467772367004,  433001013681018647747911760920686992297849343282,    1149024280460224794070159244078925721991430685838],
     [23661702916810298505759145354543089608241235601,    1048655828654821525617176122368805879408325508567,  587846047820504813842423941849757078103027466928,   1338365929525105225695097114139069216753339875455,   1425543850003062038868121400064269552725872690214]

R = IntegerModRing(p)
M = MatrixSpace(R, 5, 5)
g = M(G)
h = M(H)

g, p_mat = g.jordan_form(transformation=True)

print '[+] jordan normal for G:'
for i in g:
    print i

h = p_mat.inverse()*h*p_mat
print '[+] jordan normal for H:'
for i in h:
    print i

a11 = g[3][3]
b11 = h[3][3]
b12 = h[3][4]

x = a11*b12/b11
assert b12 == x*a11^(x-1)

print '[+] solution:', x

def flag_gen(alpha):
	return 'SharifCTF{%s}' % hashlib.md5(str(alpha).encode()).hexdigest()

print '[+] FLAG:', flag_gen(x)
Bilal Retiat
Cyber Security Consultant

Thinking bad and doing good while keeping things simple. I’m Bilal Retiat, a Cyber Security Consultant, A perpetual learner who enjoys building and breaking things with an appetite for sharing and spreading knowledge.

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